What is a Charter School?
Charter schools are public schools. They are non-sectarian, tuition-free and open to any student who wishes to attend. For more information, please visit:
What is “Independent Study”?
According to the California Department of Education, “The purpose of independent study is to provide an alternative education program and setting for students. Independent study programs are voluntary and use alternative instructional strategies that respond to individual student needs and learning styles.” For more information, please visit: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/eo/is/cefindependentst.asp
Will enrolled families be provided with curriculum or stipends?
Families receive access to select and vetted curriculum that our teachers stand behind as effective instructional resources. In lieu of vendor, voucher or outsourced enrichment, our families receive time on campus with highly engaging teachers who use project-based learning and progressive, constructivist instructional strategies. To see curriculum options available to families, please visit our Instructional Support web pages on the DV Connect Parent Educator Resource Site.
What is required to apply to DV Connect?
There are no requirements to apply to DV Connect through we strongly recommend that families attend an information meeting and tour to learn more about what is required of parent educators. The Priority Application Period is from November 1 through February 28 of the year prior to the anticipated start date. If an application is submitted after the Priority Application Deadline of February 28, it will be placed at the bottom of a waitlist.
How does the lottery work?
If more students apply than spaces are available, students are enrolled by lottery. The lottery is held in mid-March each year.
Do some applicants receive an enrollment priority?
Yes. Some students receive a preference/priority in admissions pursuant to our charter and state and federal laws. Applicants are enrolled in the following order:
- Students who are currently enrolled.
- Siblings of students currently enrolled in DV Connect from grades K-7 of the previous school year.
- Children of teachers, staff, and Board members, not to exceed 10% of enrollment.
- Residents of the Wiseburn Unified School District.
- All Other
What is your policy regarding immunizations?
State law requires that all students in public school remain up to date on all immunizations. Personal Belief Exemptions dated before January ______ are valid until that student reaches one of two critical grade levels: Kindergarten and 7th grade. Upon entering kindergarten or 7th grade, students must have a valid and current medical exemption on file or be completely up to date on their immunizations.
Does Da Vinci have a separate enrollment process or lottery for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs)?
No. Students with IEPs and students with identified learning disabilities are enrolled using the same lottery process.