Hi Connect Families,
Effective immediately under new LACDPH guidance, students that are close contacts (from school or home) are eligible to return to campus if they are fully vaccinated REGARDLESS OF BOOSTER STATUS. Please have your student check in with the front office prior to class if they are coming to school and were previously out on quarantine.
Unvaccinated students, or students with symptoms should continue to quarantine the required 5-10 days. A negative test after 5 days quarantine allows an unvaccinated student to return to campus on day 6.
We realize that the ever-evolving change in guidelines is confusing and can feel frustrating. We are doing our very best to update practices and guidelines as they are made available to us. For current quarantine, isolation, and other COVID FAQs please see here.
Thank you,
Emily Green, School Nurse, RN, PhD
Fax: 310-356-3224
COVID Vaccines and Boosters
Note from the Nurse!
Please consider receiving your booster, if eligible. If you have received your initial vaccination(s) and are eligible for the booster but have not done so, it is important to note Public Health officials no longer considers you to be “up to date on vaccination”. This could result in a quarantine requirement of up to 5 days if exposed. Local Vaccine clinic this next Friday here in the Wiseburn community!
For current quarantine, isolation, and other COVID FAQs please see here.
Emily Green, School Nurse, RN, PhD
Fax: 310-356-3224
*Last chance* At Home COVID Test pick up TODAY
Hi Da Vinci Connect K8 Families,
The At-Home COVID Test distribution is happening now and ends today at 10:30 am. If you have not picked up your at-home test kit for your student and would like to, please attend the Drive-Thru distribution at 201 N. Douglas before 10:30 am.
Thank You,
The Team at Da Vinci Connect K8
COVID Testing update
On behalf of Emily Green, School Nurse
Good afternoon,
We were just notified that the Wiseburn School COVID testing site(s) is now unavailable for Da Vinci students and Wiseburn community members for the foreseeable future. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Da Vinci Schools will have at home test kits available for pick up this week for your use prior to returning to campus–we will be sending more information ASAP. Thank you and again, apologies for any confusion/inconvenience.
Emily Green, School Nurse, RN, PhD
Fax: 310-356-3224
Learning Log #3 Due Tomorrow 12/16/21
Hi Connect K8 Families!
This is a friendly reminder that Learning Log #3 is due tomorrow (Thursday) the 16th! The turnaround for this short learning log is a quick one. When you submit, you only need to add one work sample!
Thank you for your diligence and hard work in submitting everything correctly and on time!
The Team at Da Vinci Connect K8
Veteran’s Day–correction from Newsletter
Hi Da Vinci Connect Families,
We want to apologize for the typo in the 11/8 newsletter. Veteran’s Day is on Thursday, 11/11. There will be no school or homeschool.
Thank You!
The Team at Da Vinci Connect
Pediatric Vaccine Clinics available for children aged 5-11
Hello Da Vinci Connect TK-8 Families,
Wiseburn Unified School District has generously invited the Wiseburn community, including Da Vinci Families, to participate in anticipated vaccine clinics for children aged 5-11 to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. Please read below for additional information:
Wiseburn has coordinated potential dates for pediatric vaccination clinics for the convenience of our families, in collaboration with our partners at Fulgent and the Wiseburn Education Foundation. We’d like to invite those families who are interested in this opportunity to save the dates for the Wiseburn clinic options on their calendars.
Vaccine clinic option 1
Dose 1 – Tuesday, November 9 from 12 – 6:30 p.m. at Dana
Dose 2 – Tuesday, November 30 from 12 – 6:30 p.m. at Dana
Vaccine clinic option 2
Dose 1 – Thursday, November 18 from 12 – 6:30 p.m. at Dana
Dose 2 – Thursday, December 9 from 12 – 6:30 p.m. at Dana
The administered vaccine will be a Pfizer pediatric vaccine. The dosage will be a third of the dose administered to adults, however there still will be two doses administered three weeks apart just as with the Pfizer 12+ vaccine. Therefore, depending on which clinic option you choose, your child(ren) would receive their first dose according to the schedule above, then return to the second dose clinic three weeks later as defined above.
This plan is still unfolding, so please be on the lookout for additional information, including possible links to sign up/register your child.
Have a great week!
The Team at Da Vinci Connect
Virtual STEM Expo for K-12 Students!
Hello Connect K8 Families,
SciFest All Access is a virtual STEM expo for K-12 students happening now through October 24th! There are virtual exhibits, stage shows, and more! Check it out HERE!
The Team at Da Vinci Connect
Admin Walk in the Park this THURSDAY!
Hello Da Vinci Connect Families!
There is one more opportunity this week to spend some time in-person connecting with Tami and Kaitlin at our Admin Walk in the Park! You can find us at Del Aire Park on Thursday morning (10/14), from 8:00am-8:45am. Please note the newsletter contained a typo and there will NOT be an Admin Walk in the Park tomorrow, Wednesday 10/13.
We hope to see you there!
The Team at Da Vinci Connect