Hello Connect K8 Families,
Spirit Days are back at Connect! Our first Spirit Days of the year are THIS Friday 9/24 and next Tuesday, 9/28! Spirit Day themes are in conjunction with our FAN Annual Rhythm Events, and this Spirt Day is “Honoring my heritage and identity” in preparation for our Multi-Cultural Fair on Wednesday, 9/29 on campus at 4:00pm (sign up here to attend and participate!).
On Spirit Day, your student may come dressed in any way that aligns with the theme of “honoring my heritage and identity”. Our only ask is that students come dressed in a way that honors their own heritage or way that they express their identity (and not someone else’s), and that they adhere to school appropriate ideas, including closed toed shoes.
Thank you, and we look forward to celebrating our community on Spirit Day and at the Multi Cultural Fair!
Have a Great Week,
The Team at Da Vinci Connect