Hi Da Vinci Connect Families!

We want you to know about the important resources below for parents through Kaiser that are available to everyone even if you’re not a KP member! These are also virtual offerings.


  • Anxious to Calm Teen –  (4 classes ) The goal of this series is to help increase your understanding of anxiety and learn strategies to help reorient thinking, take action, and make lasting positive change.


  • Understanding Depression Teen (4 classes) The goal of this series is to help increase your understanding of depression and learn strategies to help reorient thinking, take behavioral action, and make lasting positive changes.


  • Understanding ADHD for Parents: (1 class) The goal of this class is to help increase your understanding of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. You will learn what is ADHD, common myths about ADHD, types of treatment, and valuable resources.


Find out more here: https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/southern-california/mental-wellness/


Please take advantage of these resources and share widely with your communities.


Emily Green, Director of Health Services, RN, PhD


Phone: 310-725-5800, ext 1039

Fax: 310-356-3224


Rapid Covid tests are available at school sites during school hours, no appt needed. Students register for testing here

Home Covid Tests are available at school sites during school hours, please request from health office/front office.