Greetings DV Connect K8 Families,

We want to remind you of several things happening at DV Connect! Please read below for more info:

  1. FAN Meeting today, Wednesday March 17 @ 4:00pm HERE.
  2. THE STUDENT COMMITMENT SURVEY to inform us of your plans to participate in afternoon activities after Spring Break is due no later than Friday, March 19th. Please see the e-mail and newsletter sent on 3/13 for additional information. Failure to complete this survey will exclude your child from the afternoon schedule for on-campus activities.
  3. What TALENTS are YOU using this Wellness Wednesday?  Our Connect community wants to celebrate them with you!  Join the first of the Talent Showcase Series: 1.  SIGN UP HERE!2. Make a quick video to share your art, science, dance, sport, spoken word, culinary delight, magic  3.  Submit your video by Wednesday 3/24 (deadline has been extended!).  4. Mark your calendar to be sure to attend the Virtual Showcase March 26 at 6pm.

Take Good Care,

The Team at Da Vinci Connect